Norwegian Forest Cats
The breed of Norwegian Forest Cats is a natural breeding race, it was recognized in FIFe in the 1970s, one theory says that the ancestors of these cats were brought by the Crusaders another, that by Viking from the British Isles. The Norwegian Forest Cat is characterized by a strong The male can weigh up to 9 kg, and the adult female to 6 kg. The time needed to reach their maturity is from four to five years.Their fur is long, double-layered, its top layer is waterproof.
Norwegian Forest Cats Cattery
My great passion for Norwegian Forest cats comes from my mother. Thanks to her I love this breed and I have the possibility to live close to it. I officially registered my nickname “Diamond Forest” in 2014 and started this wonderful adventure with two of my mother’s cats – Anabel Forest Eyes*PL and Norri Forest Eyes*PL. This passion develops and continues to this days.
The nature of Norwegian Forest Cats
Norwegian cats are characterized by a high level of intelligence, they attach themselves very strongly to household members, they also assimilate well with other domestic animals. Norwegian cats are great companions, they like to participate in everyday activities of their owners, they are curious about the world and learn quickly a new skills.

What news ?

We present new litter "H" Diamond Forest *PL

We present new litter "G" Diamond Forest *PL

Cat show in Wrocław

Cat show in Warsaw

So now I present a new litter "F" Diamond Forest *PL

Cat show in Olomunc 08.12.2019

Cat show in Olomunc 07.12.2019

Cat show in Łomianki

Cat show in Pardubice 02-03.09.2019

Cat show in Wrocław 08.09.2019

Cat show in Wrocław 07.09.2019

Cat show in Łódź 15.06.2019

This was her last show in kittens, now we take a break

Cat show in Krakow 08.06.2019

Cat show in Warsaw 12.05.2019

Cat show in Liberec 20.04.2019

Cat show in Liberec 20.04.2019

Cat show in Poznań

Welcome litter "E"
Proud parents :CH Giselle z Krainy Asgardu *PL GIC Hattori Hanzo z Krainy Asgardu *PL

Plan in 2018

SUPER KOT 2014 !!
I’m very happy and proud with the results my Queen for Skogkatt of the Year 2014 neuters : GIP EC DSM Annabel Forest Eyes * PL 4 th place
– 1000 points and also the 2rd place in the SUPER CAT 2014 neuters !!

Welcome litter "B"
We would like to introduce our new litter: 2 boys Bonifacy , Balbin and 2 girls Bonita , Benita . Proud parents : IC Elfik Anagard*PL & CH Norri Forest Eyes*PL
Cat show in Wrocław 09-10.09.2017
After a long break we are again on the exhibition. Last Saturday Hattori Hanzo gained the title of Champion, on Sunday he won first InterChampion Certificate. Giselle also received her Champion title and on Sunday she got her first IterChampion certificate, Biv and Bis nomination.
Welcome litter " D"
We would like to introduce our new litter: 2 boys Duffy , Deni and 2 girls Dafne , Daiquiri 🙂
Welcome litter "C"
We would like to introduce our new litter: 2 boys Calvin , Chivas and one girl Chanel 🙂 Proud parents : Zegna z Krainy Asgardu*PL & Giselle z Krainy Asgardu*PL
Alena Diamond Forest*PL in new home