Elisa Diamond Forest *PL
Parents: CH Giselle z Krainy Asgardu* PL i
GIC Hattori Hanzo z Krainy Asgardu *PL
Date of birth: 23.12.2018
Color: NFO n 09 22
Breeder: Dorota Biskupska
Pedigree: (PL) FPL LO 61920
Tests: HCM, PKD, FIP, FeLV i FIV
–negative GSD IV – n/n

EC GIP Annabel Forest Eyes*PL DSM
Parents: EC Festa Orloffa de Kaaba*PL DM
EC Dino Aniro*PL
RIP : 22.07.2004 – 31.10.2017

CH Giselle z Krainy Asgardu*PL
Parents: Doris z Krainy Asgardu*PL
CH Omar z Krainy Asgardu*PL JW
Date of birth: 30.09.2014
Color: NFO n 09 23
Breeder: Magdalena Kudra
Pedigree: (PL) FPL LO 83102
Tests: HCM, PKD, FIP, FeLV i FIV – negative
GSD IV n/n – negativ

Adina Jakobusland*ES
Parents: Skyffal van Siriusland*NL
Noia Jakobusland*ES
Date of birth: 31.03.2014
Color: NFO n 09 24
Breeder: Edith Uhia Spain
Pedigree: (PL) FPL LO 75756
Tests: HCM, PKD, FIP, FeLV i FIV – negative
GSD IV n/n – negativ

CH Norri Forest Eyes*PL
Parents: SC Aragon von der Gehlen Bieke*D
IC Tayra Forest Eyes*PL
Date of birth: 22.07.2013
Color: NFO a 09 24
Breeder: Dorota Biskupska
Pedigree: (PL) FPL LO 61920
Tests: HCM, PKD, FIP, FeLV i FIV – negative
GSD IV n/n – negativ

IP Adele Diamond Forest*PL
Parents: EC Amareoth Forest Eyes*PL DSMDVM
CH Norri Forest Eyes*PL
Date of birth: 22.08.2014
Color: N 24
Breeder: Daria Biskupska
Pedigree: (PL) FPL LO 76046
Tests: HCM, PKD, FIP, FeLV i FIV – negative
GSD IV n/n – negativ